2016 in Review

2016 has been a weird, chaotic year, but my year has been packed with adventures and new places to discover. This is my year in numbers: 6 - number of countries and territories visited: South Korea, Hong Kong, United States, Puerto Rico, Malaysia and Nepal 21 - number of foreign cities and towns visited: Seoul, Incheon, Jisan, Hong Kong, St Louis, Chesterfield, Creve Couer, Branson, Hollister, Ozark, Springfield, New York, Hackensack, Hoboken, San Juan, Kuala Lumpur, Sepang, Kathmandu, Nagarkot, Bhaktapur, and Lalitpur. 20,000 - max elevation in feet, of the Buddha Air Beechcraft 1900 that flew around Mt. Everest. Everest is 29,029 feet tall. 25 - number of flights flown this year, including the Everest mountain flight 35,195 - the total distance in miles, for the 24 flights. I'm not sure how far we covered during the circuit from Kathmandu to Everest. 6730 - the distance, in miles, of the longest flight flown, between JFK and NRT 15 - the number of ai...